The video below was produced, filmed and edited entirely by the members of the Live Like John Service and Leadership Institute (LLJSLI) to promote awareness of our mission. This first initiative of the LLJSLI is an excellent example of young people working together to create positive change.
In its tenth year, the Foundation works to involve students in its mission for the young patients afflicted with brain tumors and their families: better communication and coordination of care between patients, families and providers; improving the quality of life of patients; and most importantly, funding specifically targeted pediatric brain tumor research and research options to eradicate pediatric brain tumors.

The Live Like John Service and Leadership Institute was created in 2014 to provide an opportunity to student leaders who are eager to gain exposure to the workings of a Foundation Board, become aware and involved in a more than worthwhile cause, develop creative ways to provide assistance to the Foundation, and learn more about the members of our Board on a personal and professional level. This service opportunity will provide a great advantage for motivated students. Given the Foundation’s mission is focused on pediatric patients, involving the youth of the community could benefit the Foundation in elevating awareness for our important cause.

The 2023/2024 Live Like John Service and Leadership Institute Members:

Jana Abualhuda, MMHS
Fiona Bonner, Marist
Nora Clancy, SICP
Rose Condron, Jones
Tommy Dobry, Fenwick
Lucy Guest, McAuley
Brady Holland, Mt. Carmel
Hank Kratzer, Mt. Carmel
Joey Kwilose, Br. Rice
JJ McNicholas, Marist
Matt McNicholas, Marist
Kevin McShane, Br. Rice
Lily O’Dea, Richards
Nick Riordan, Mt. Carmel
Molly Ross, SICP
Finn Ryan, Mt. Carmel
Jane Siffermann, Fenwick
John Stanton, Whitney Young
Audrey Styczynski, SICP
Scarlett Styczynski, SICP
Caroline Sullivan, McAuley
Julianna Sweiss, McAuley
Patrick Troy, SICP
Nora Wilson, McAuley
Bridget Winters, Marist
Kaitlin Zoller, McAuley

Graduated Members

Nick Adent, St. Rita
Joe Alvarez, Br. Rice
Tom Alvarez, Br. Rice
Cece Antonietti, McAuley
Dominic Antonietti, Mt. Carmel
Annalisa Barajas, Richards
Mary Kate Barron, Ignatius
Caelah Borkovec, Marist
Teddy Bracewell, Mt. Carmel
Morgan Cardenas, Richards
Donna Carinato, Fenwick
Faith Carey, McAuley
Julie Casey, Richards
Annie Chellberg, McAuley
Grace Clancy, St. Ignatius
Ann Marie Cleary, McAuley
Pete Conroy, St. Rita
Kevin Corrigan, Marist
Ava Courtney, McAuley
Patrick Cranley, St. Rita
Jillian Crema, McAuley
Analia Dama, St. Francis
Jamie Doherty, Ignatius
Sarah Dunn, McAuley
Sean Dunn, Br. Rice
Connor Earley, St. Rita
Sarah Erickson, Glenbrook
Ryan Fidler, St. Rita
Margaret Fitzpatrick, St. Ignatius
Tom Gallagher, Br. Rice
Katherine Gillespie, Richards
Grace Gorman, McAuley
Jack Grant, Mt. Carmel
Ellie Guest, McAuley
Liam Guest, Mt. Carmel
Maeve Hartnett, McAuley
Nora Hartnett, McAuley
Luke Hogan, St. Ignatius
Zoey Holland, St. Ignatius
Isabel Hynes, Fenwick
Quinn Hynes, Fenwick
Salena Ibrahim, McAuley
Julia Ilaraza, McAuley
Marty Jepsen, Marist
Maeve Keeley, McAuley
Charlie Kleist, Br. Rice
Thomas Kleist, Br. Rice
Michael Larkin, St. Rita
Will March, St. Rita
Danny McGarel, Fenwick
Grace McGarel, Fenwick
Luke McGarel, Fenwick
Faith McNamara, Marist
Nolan McNamara, Ignatius
Brad McNicholas, Ignatius
Jack McShane, Br. Rice
Nora McShane, McAuley
Avery Miller, Loyola Academy
Mary Moran, St. Ignatius
Colin Morrissey, Fenwick
Marty Morrissey, Fenwick
Delaney Mulcahy, Marist
Desmond Mulcahy, Marist
Ciara Nelligan, McAuley
Jack Nelligan, Br. Rice
Kiley Nelligan, McAuley
Moira Nelligan, McAuley
Aidan O’Connor, Br. Rice
Grace O’Connor, Marist
Hannah O’Connor, McAuley
Ethan O’Dea, Richards
Sean O’Keefe, Jones
Annie O’Malley, McAuley
Brennan O’Malley, Br. Rice
Tara O’Malley, McAuley
Thomas Phelan, Br. Rice
Nora Riordan, McAuley
Brigid Ross, St. Ignatius
Mia Rugai, Ignatius
Marty Ryan, Br. Rice
Catherine Saas, McAuley
Elizabeth Saas, McAuley
TJ Saas, Br. Rice
Sean Smith, St. Rita
Burke Stanton, Whitney Young
Tom Stanton, Whitney Young
Jack Sullivan, Br. Rice
Michael Sullivan, Br. Rice
Natalie Sullivan, Marist
Patrick Sullivan, Mt. Carmel
Delia Troy, St. Ignatius
Margo Vandeveld, McAuley
Maxwell Vandeveld, Mt. Carmel
Pete Vandeveld, Mt. Carmel
Leena Webb, McAuley
Paul Witry, Ignatius

The Live Like John Service and Leadership Institute:


The goal of the Institute is to interpret the Board’s mission in a way that inspires young adults and teens, and hopefully will in turn expand and diversify the Foundation’s base of support. Institute member benefits include a hands on knowledge of philanthropic activities, instruction on the structure and procedures of Foundation Board, and undertaking service or other projects aimed at spurring involvement in, raising awareness of, and/or providing financial support for the Foundation and its mission.

The Institute members are from the teen and high school communities who are interested in raising awareness of the staggering statistics related to pediatric brain cancer. They are actively involved in service and furthering the Foundation’s mission – to create a better quality of life for children and teens diagnosed with brain tumors and to ultimately find a cure for this insidious disease.

Members & Member Responsibilities

Members are from a diverse pool of students from area high schools. Institute meetings are mentored by one or more representatives from the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Institute members have the opportunity to meet each of the Foundation’s Board members and attend Board meetings. Teens who are interested in giving back to the community, and who are interested in volunteering their time for a great cause, are encouraged to apply for membership.

Institute members are required to attend regular meetings, participate in fundraising and awareness events and generally promote the Foundation’s mission in the community.

2024 Applicants

Every year we open up our spring application process and invite those interested to apply to become an Institute member. 
Applicants selected for interviews will be notified via email. 
 All interviews will be scheduled starting at the end of May. Thank you for your interest!
We are accepting 2024 Applications!
Click above to apply! 

The Live Like Initiative

Giving makes a difference

9007 S Leavitt Street.  |  Chicago Illinois 60643
e: [email protected]
© Copyright 2021 - The John McNicholas Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation - All Rights Reserved
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